Monday, July 26, 2010

G83 – One line dissolves

One line dissolves and I cut right in.

One line dissolves as another one rises.

One line dissolves the smallest of particles.

One line dissolves underneath us.

One line dissolves the other words in a paragraph like acid.

One line dissolves a library of truths.

One lines dissolves the lining of his nostrils; the second line dissolves the drug as solution.

One line dissolves words into randomly scattered letters in his late night tired eyes.

One line dissolves anonymity unanimously and another dissolves unanimity anonymously.

One line dissolves my being, my strange being.

One dissolves as the power surges in uncontrollable waves toward Bertrand Russell.

One line dissolves & enters the bloodstream...

Chris Hodgson, Catherine Owen, Laura Nichols, Jami Kali, Joseph Brown, Susan Stach Anderson, Nadine Flagel, Papa Tee, Kathleen Betts, Andrew Topel, Andrew Waldie Porteus, Amanda Earl

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