Saturday, August 7, 2010

G77 – I Make A

I make a mean bread pudding marshmallow look skinny.

I make a complete sentence mountain word out of a mole word mown gran cry.

I make a sentence more lenient, a twig crack underfoot, a shift, my weight to relieve my aching legs.

I make no noise beyond the rasp of my shallow, rapid breaths, a great advocate for animals.

I make a second comment, overstimulated by coffee on the long weekend mud hut; sit & wait for you, nasty face, and it freezes that way. I finally look like my passport photo.

I make a stake of fake cake breaking Blake ache flakes of steak take Drake bake Jake wake
an offer i'm waiting to refuse. . . . a life . . . my life promise I don't intend to keep.

I make a bed, with no intent to sleep mistake and I say I'm sorry if I've hurt anyone, human being, be a human being, being human unto thee.

I make a Freudian impression, stolen of course, from my friend Jacques, make-shift language out of discarded thoughts, precious baby, my gorgeous wife Lisa.

I make a mockery of the English Language.

Maria Damon, Brenda Schmidt, Gary Barwin, Amanda Earl, Catherine Heard, Laura Nichols, Nadine Flagel, Andrew Topel, Andréa Ledding, Bryne Helen Lewis, Sharon Honeywill-Haddow, Kathleen Betts, Priscilla Brett, Linda Steer, Stacey Nichols, Joseph Brown

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